Discover Your Superpower Through Our Goal Finder Program

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01 Jan - 31 Dec 2022

Every one of us has a super-power that we manifest in our lives. The sooner we are able to identify it, the more time we get in this life to enjoy its benefits. This super-power is where your heart lies, where your passion and interests lie.

To make sure your kids get the most from their lives, both personal and professional, it is critical to make sure their education and professional career path is aligned to their individual passion and interests.

If you have a child in Grade 8 and above, regardless of their curriculum and school, engage with us through our Goal Finder program - that is the starting point for all successful professional journeys where we help with Subject Selection, University Selection and making informed Career Choices. 

Fill this form for a quick 10-minute call to understand if your child can benefit from our Goal Finder program, just like hundreds of other kids have in 7 different countries.

This is a no-obligation call, and you don't have to sign up if you are not sure. Contact us now!