Mentor Me

There is no replacement to mentorship – no amount of reading books or searching the internet can get you the exposure of what it is really like doing your dream job.

We find the right mentors from the industry to connect with your child and give them insights into what it is like living their lives. Their challenges, their joys, the ins and outs of living their dreams.

It is great to have mentors to get a deeper understanding of your ideal career as well as to shortlist whether a particular career area is for you or not.

Program Includes:
1 Hour session with an industry expert of your choice. Can be extended upto as many sessions as you may need.

This is a highly personalized service, not a machine match-making platform. So, get in touch with our coaches first to identity the right mentor & plan for you.

Personalized Career Persona Report (Deeper Insight Version) & 3 sessions with Career Coach involving the student and parents using professional tools & techniques for planning. Ultimate result is a documented Goal Attainment Plan.

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