MKCS Careers Article

Career Selection – Then and Now

Written by Meghna Khan,on Feb 28, 2021

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy - Paulo Coelho

Most of today’s parents, and that includes me, grew up without any option to explore probable career choices that mapped to their capabilities and skills. In fact, our generation never even thought of looking for other options as our mind was already conditioned towards a career path decided by our parents from an early age. Whether good or bad, those were the days when a profession was treated as more of a family legacy- an engineer’s son went to engineering college and a banker’s daughter looked for coaching classes to prepare for banking exams. We were so influenced by the social surroundings, peer pressure and financial constraints that we just walked on the path charted out for us without spending enough time questioning ourselves whether we really wanted to tread that path or not. We never introspected whether we were going to enjoy working in that profession till our sunset days.

You would expect that we would turn out to be better parents in today’s connected world of endless career options but, unfortunately, we are doing more of the same that we underwent as kids.

When there is a mismatch between a student’s personality and professional studies, the productivity of the student is adversely impacted and could lead to demotivation, dissatisfaction and disenchantment that may result into severe depression due to acute fear of failure. That is why it is critical to treat the subject of career selection with the utmost sensitivity and priority. 

However wise the parents may be and however smart their child, this critical discussion around career choices requires a specialist to intervene and guide both the parents and child towards a more harmonious choice. While we may not have got the right help when we needed it during our growing years, it doesn’t mean our kids have to go through the same experience. A career specialist bridges the gap between the parents and their child’s career priorities and finds the balance between a child’s interests and their personality.

Reach out to me and let’s set up your child for success.

Categories :
Career Counselling